


Our company philosophy

Certified quality

Each phase of the Solazzo production cycle is planned and monitored with a certified “Factory Production Control”, which allows us to optimize production processes in terms of timing and quality.

Company with management system
for certified quality
UNI EN ISO 9001:2015

Quality Policy

Solazzo Srl, with more then twenty years in the field of shutters, windows and doors production, is a company which, from a small artisan business born in the heart of Salento, first established itself as a local reality to become, today, a company capable of extend its offer throughout the national territory, managing to become an established brand, in a widespread manner, through its sales network, in all regions of Italy and abroad.

The Management, which has always been committed to maintaining and improving the quality standards of the products and services offered and the best quality of customer service, maintains an active Quality Management System certified in compliance with the UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 standard, relating to its field of application: Production of mixed-type of windows and doors (EA-IAF sector: 17), through which:

  • provides for the analysis of the internal and external context and the identification of the needs and expectations of the interested parties, including in particular customers, suppliers, its employees and the local community;
  • determines the risks and opportunities that must be addressed in order to achieve and maintain expected results; identifies and complies with the applicable legislative requirements and contractual agreements;
  • pursues the continuous improvement of its products, services and internal processes. It is committed to continuously research into new technologies and to maintaining and enhancing the skills of its staff;
  • supports and spreads a quality-oriented culture. All employees are made aware of the importance of satisfying the customer, respecting the quality requirements of products and services and the performance established for all processes;
  • constantly monitoring the conformity of the goods and services supplied as well as the processes outsourced, with respect to the established requirements and expected quality standards;
  • carries out a timely check of the finished products, in order to ensure the absence of defects and compliance with the requirements agreed with the customer;
  • ensures punctual deliveries and post-sales assistance to each and every customer, necessary in order to respond quickly to requests relating to the quality and performance of the products supplied.

To demonstrate constant commitment to customer improvement and satisfaction, the Management has established the following specific objectives:

  • Invest in the necessary resources and facility in compliance with the requirements for the final product (e.g. compliance with delivery timing and effectiveness of after-sales assistance and customer care).
  • Constant updating regarding applicable laws and regulations, so to comply with the mandatory requirements.
  • Choice of Qualified Suppliers and certified materials, to meet the final requirements expected by the Customer.
  • Constant employee training.
  • Monitor the efficiency of the Quality System through an annual review carried out by the Management and through the “Internal Audits” scheduled and carried out during the year by qualified personnel.
  • Constantly monitoring the level of customer satisfaction.

The Management considers the effective application of the “Quality Management System” to be the responsibility of each member of the organization and calls upon all staff of all levels and grades to comply with this Policy and the provisions contained in the Quality Management System documents, within its competence and responsibility.

The Management undertakes periodically to review this Policy, aligning it with its improvement aims. This specific aims will be defined annually by the Management, and spread to all the employees, all collaborators, suppliers and interested stakeholders.

About us

Solazzo srl is a company where people generate value.

For more than 20 years Solazzo srl believed that human capital is the most important resource for the growth of a group, a family, that’s how we like to define ourselves.